Fascia Innovation part of the first Fascia research study on horses

  • In 2015 veterinary Vibeke s Elbrond was the first one ever to publish a research study on fascia on horses.
  • But did you know that she used the Atlasbalans M1 to validate her findings – and at the same time showing the effect the machine has on fascia?
  • By using the machine and showing how the vibrations spreads from the neck to the back, down to the hoofs, she proved the connection of the fascia lines.
  • Seven horses was treated in a dubble blind study and the muscle tension was measured after 1 hour, 24 hrs and 48 hrs. The machine was put on two points of the horses body (neck and lower back) for only a few seconds.
  • The treatment was found increase relaxation on the points treated – but more astonishing the effect spread throughout numerous parts of the body a process that continued after 48 hours.
  • Here is a link to the study

Fascia on horses – interview with Vibeke S Elbrønd at the Fascia Research Congress 2015

In an interview from the 2015 Fascia Research Congress in Washington DC Veterinary Vibeke S Elbrønd discusses her research about fascia in horses and describes the fascia lines/chains/channels and how they affect the horses bio-mechanics.

What has happened in the last 10 years of anatomical research?

In preparation for her research on Fascia in horses, Dr. Elbrønd had to go through the available fascia research, she had to become a fascia expert.

In February 2018 we asked her what had happened in anatomical research for the past ten years and how that influences future research in fascia and fascia treatment.

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