New Swedish Innovation Reduces Pain During Childbirth

Short video about midwife Cayenne Ekjordh and her patient Ann Mathisen who tried the new Fascia Vibes treatment as pain relief during childbirth

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Swedish Fascia treatment devices are now used as pain relief during childbirth by midwife Cayenne Ekjordh. “One mother went from panic to falling asleep in 10 minutes.”

Since 1975 Cayenne Ekjordh, 70, has delivered more than 2000 children. So naturally she was rather sceptical when shown a new device to reduce pain during childbirth by innovator Hans Bohlin. But after trying the Fascia Vibes treatment herself she was convinced.

– It made me feel completely relaxed. I felt like a pancake, says Cayenne Ekjordh.

Fascia Vibes is a new Fascia treatment that gently and efficiently increases mobility & relaxation, circulation & fluid flow and thus reducing pain & tension. Based on the latest research, the Fascia Vibes devices are used by more than 400 manual therapists in EU & USA.

Midwife Cayenne Ekjordh used it as pain relief during childbirth for the first time in the fall of 2017 and since then she brings the device with her everywhere. When Ann Mathisen was about to give birth to her second child, the contractions became so intense that she started getting chills and breathing became difficult. Cayenne decided to use the device and in just a few minutes Ann went from panic to fully relaxed.

– I am so happy that I was open to this, because it really helped me. If I were to get pregnant again, I would definitely use this device, says Ann Mathisen.

Even though it is too early to draw any conclusions, Hans is excited by the positive results and he is now looking into more ways to help pregnant women.

– It would be amazing if Fascia Vibes could help both midwives and parents by making childbirth simpler, safer and less painful, says Hans Bohlin.

Åke Renman is an Osteopath who has worked with Fascia Vibes since 2015. He has been treating more than 1000 women before and after childbirth and he believes this is the right way to go.

– By making sure the body is balanced properly and relaxed, both before and after childbirth, you can avoid pain and issues later in life, says Åke Renman.

Cayenne Ekjordh, who has experienced a lot during her 44 years as a midwife, believes that this could be the first step to the midwifery of the future.

– There are no chemicals involved and it does not interrupt the natural stages of labour and birth. Possibly, it could even replace the epidural, says Cayenne Ekjordh.

Press contact:

Axel Bohlin, +46 73 597 69 93, [email protected]

Fascia Innovation CEO:

Hans Bohlin, +46 70 776 04 02, [email protected]

Long Video: New Swedish Innovation Reduces Pain During Childbirth

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How Swedish Fascia Vibes treatment work

New research is changing how we view the body

Read more about childbirth and Swedish Fascia Vibes