Good Design Award™ for innovative treatment tool

World’s most prestigious design award to Swedish developed treatment tool

The treatment machine AtlasOrange1, recently awarded the Good Design Award ™, launched
internationally in Finland with a press conference in Helsinki on Friday 12th

AtlasOrange1 is developed to in a gentle way to reach deeper and create movement in the tissue during fascia wave treatment. With approximately 400-1200 pulsations per minute and 6 carefully selected programs it provides the professional therapist the opportunity to provide better treatments than ever.

“You can really take your treatments to a new level with the machine, it becomes so much easier to really reach, the results are fantastic” says Sirpa Irpola physiotherapist who has worked with the machine for just over a year and follows the launch.

All functions integrated into a single unit

The innovative design in which all functions are integrated into a single unit was at the end of 2013
rewarded with the world’s most prestigious design award, the Good Design Award ™, in the medical field. The patent-pending control program provides a functionality that can be likened to extra-corporeal shockwave therapy. The difference is the harmonic variation of vibration which makes treatment gentle to the customer.

Designed, developed and manufactured in Stockholm, Sweden

Behind AtlasOrange1 is the family business, Atlasbalans mainly consists of the two entrepreneurs Hans and Axel Bohlin. Along with a development team of experts in the form of engineers Ari Hakala and Krister Sjölander and industrial designers Cecilia and Nicholas Frank, the machine has been developed, tested and finally produced in Sweden during the recent years.

“Of course we could have placed production in Asia or something like that, but it felt right from the
beginning to keep everything in Sweden” says Hans Bohlin, CEO of Atlasbalans.

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