Fascia treatment is the future but we need good equipment

Finnish physiotherapist Jarmo Ahonen on Fascia & Fascia treatment

Physiotherapist Jarmo Ahonen is perhaps Finland’s most well-known profile in manual therapy and has treated elite athletes such as Jarkko Nieminen, Teemu Selänne and the Finnish Olympic squad.

In an interview he talks about Fascia treatment with Atlasbalans treatment equipment, about fascia in general and how people react to the treatment.

“I think people are really trying to make sure that everything we do as therapists is scientifically proven, but many people easily forget that there are many things that have been scientifically proven in the past. E.g. how Pacini nerve receptors respond to vibration and oscillatory motion.

It can be done with a machine, but even if you do not use a machine it is an effect that occurs, regardless of equipment. You can use your hands to create the oscillating movement or you can use the machine. But science is there and you don’t have to gather the same scientific evidence over and over again. “

Read more about Swedish Fascia Vibes by Fascia Innovation