Meet Ivar Bohlin, Head of Sales at Atlasbalans

Atlasbalans in 2015 was in great need of reinforcement. But it is not always easy to find the right person who fits into the corporate culture, understands the larger vision, has a passion to help and who also knows how to give fortitude to people, which helps them dare to invest in themselves and their dreams . This requires fortitude and it is then necessary to dare making people uncomfortable without making them upset.

The perfect salesman is difficult to find, unless you know where to look.

When Ivar Bohlin was hired as Atlasbalans new salesman there were some eyebrows raised. The guy was fresh from high school, 19 years old and had never worked as a salesman before.

Hans Bohlin pointed out, however, something he has always said. Sales is all about having the right attitude.

Ivar proved not only to have the right attitude, he was the one who helped Atlasbalans to new heights. The 19-year-old brought charm, dedication and a rarely seen continuity. In his first humorous internal sales report in November he nominated himself “newcomer of the year” in the sales profession as a joke.

In hindsight, we can conclude that this is a price he truly deserves.

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