Global Launch of Swedish Fascia Vibes in Helsinki

The new standard in well-being

  • Swedish Fascia Vibes by Atlasbalans was launched globally on May 25, 2018, at the Swedish Embassy in Helsinki
  • Swedish Fascia Vibes is a new form of treatment of fascia / the connective tissue, which effectively and gently increases mobility and relaxation, relieves pain and tension, improves circulation and increases fluid flow
  • This new standard in well-being combines high-tech products, innovative methods of treating fascia and a modern interface to convey knowledge about the body in an easy way
  • “Everything is developing, so you have to develop with it” – Jarmo Ahonen, Physiotherapist

On May 25th, 2018, Helsinki was the center of the world in terms of manual therapy. As open-minded and innovative wellness providers from all over the world gather at the Embassy of Sweden. Atlasbalans, in collaboration with Business Sweden, was presenting a new way of working with manual therapy.

“We were thinking of doing this in the US or Germany, but we were so impressed with the Finnish wellness perspective and the professionalism of Finnish manual therapists. We come to Finland to learn” – Hans Bohlin, CEO Atlasbalans.

When developing a treatment tool to help people with reoccurring pain in the neck and lower back. Hans Bohlin at Swedish company Atlasbalans stumbled upon a research field that was continually evolving.

New research shows that Fascia, our system of connective tissue, has a larger impact on health and well-being than we previously knew. When the treatment was successful on both people and horses, Hans Bohlin contacted Danish Veterinary Dr. Vibeke Sødring Elbrønd. She is an expert in both human and animal fascia research. To explore the possibility of validating the treatment results, therefore Dr. Elbrønd conducted a study showing that the Atlasbalans treatment tool is good for fascia treatment.

We started our business to find a way to make people healthy in the long term. But we wanted to know why the treatment gives such a good result. We want to see why we get back pain, and we have searched for the answers with the most prominent experts in anatomical research about fascia/connective tissue.

Read more about Swedish Fascia Vibes by Fascia innovation