UK Launch of Swedish Fascia Vibes by Fascia Innovation

The UK Launch of Swedish Fascia Vibes by fascia Innovation was held in London on May 10-11th. “Very professional” states Linda Underwood who after the event decided to become one of the first British therapists working with this new Fascia Treatment.

What people where saying about the launch

Linda Underwood, participant:

I was here for three hours this morning to see what it was all about. So I have been more educated on the machine and understood where I can use it. So much information. I was gonna spend an hour, but that went to two hours- and plenty more help in between so yeah they’ve been very helpful.

Simon Kane, participant:

I was interested in seeing what the the product could do; How it actually affects and connects to the fascia, and what it does for your body. It was really professional event and gave me all the information I required. Very excited to see how I can move forward with using the product to help people.

Axel Bohlin, Marketing Director of Fascia Innovation

It’s really amazing to be in London and meet therapists from the UK. I really believe in the UK as a market and it’s good to see that people are as excited as we hoped. They’re asking the right questions, they’re positive – they’re energetic.

To understand fascia means basically to understand the body as a whole. We have been separating the body for a very long time. By looking at it as a whole, by looking at balance, posture, mobility & relaxation, we can understand symptoms and problems in a different way. By treating the body as a whole we can get amazing results, and that’s what we have been doing in Sweden since 2010 and that’s what we want to do in the world as well.

Full version of the UK Launch Video

Want to learn more about fascia?

Did you know that Fascia Innovation is also behind the world’s largest website about Fascia and Fascia research? exists to give people knowledge about the body in an easy way

Read more about Swedish Fascia Vibes by Fascia Innovation