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    “We will work with the best. Everything must be online, everything must be process-oriented and scalable”

    – Hans Bohlin, Founder, January 2010

How do we go from idea to reality quickly and across multiple industries with limited resources?

Fascia is a new mindset that requires new innovations and business solutions

The core of our entire business revolves around the insights that follow from understanding what Fascia is, but perhaps even more importantly, what Fascia IMPLIES.

Fascia is a way of looking at and treating the body as a living entity. It is a different perspective for understanding illness and dysfunction.

The fundamental idea is to stimulate flow, mobility, and relaxation, improve balance and posture, and thereby enhance the body’s own ability to heal.

This concept has proven to be applicable in several different segments, and new potential business areas continue to emerge

With Business Automation, we expedite the journey from idea to reality

The key to our success lies in openness, curiosity, and a willingness to explore.

Therefore, we have built a core business that is flexible, agile, vertical, and has the potential to accomplish a lot, quickly and with limited resources.

This is made possible through the combination of innovation and what we call Business Automation.

Business Automation means that anything that doesn’t require human involvement is handled by machines… and what does require human intervention is done systematically and efficiently

Innovative solutions + systematized processes = efficient and scalable businesses

Our fundamental approach is that everything can be turned into processes – and anything that can be processed can be systematized and largely automated.

Take Fascia Clinics, for example, a largely automated franchise system where we have built processes for advertising, marketing, sales, booking, payment, accounting, customer care, as well as the setup and operation of each individual franchisee.

The exact same system, processes, and methodology can, with a few minor adjustments, be applied to Fascia Horse – a concept for treating horses.

We believe that anything is possible if you have the will – and we aim to make it simple.

Our idea is to create something truly great and then test, develop, and build a concept around it.

We then transform it into an independent business, a separate entity, and ensure that there are knowledgeable individuals in place who know how to realize the potential of the idea – while we remain as a sounding board and provider of our specialized expertise

  • Communication and marketing
  • Conceptualization, process management, and business development
  • Product and service development

Fascia Clinics was the first of many companies within the Fascia Group that, since its inception in 2020, has grown into its own group with increasing demand – despite the pandemic, wars, crises, and inflation.

The text below provides a brief description of the mindset behind the creation of Fascia Clinics, which has since been applied to additional businesses.

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    “We have a unique opportunity to develop scalable businesses that combine Fascia with Business Automation”

    – Axel Bohlin, VD

Patented and award-winning treatment equipment for advanced Fascia treatment

Increases mobility and relaxation, aiding the body in self-healing

The Atlasbalans M1 & M2 are based on the latest anatomical research and optimized for advanced and efficient Fascia treatment.

With 400 to 1200 harmonious pulses per minute, these machines initiate wave-like movements that spread through the Fascia like ripples on water, allowing large areas to be treated in a short time, both extensively and deeply.

The treatment, in turn, enhances relaxation, circulation, and fluid flow, aiding the body in self-healing.

This is how the body is affected by machine-assisted Fascia treatment

The treatment may be very gentle, but there is a lot happening in the body during the session. So what exactly is happening?

In short, we can say that the machine does three things

  • Increases Flow: Frequencies optimized to enhance fluid flow in the tissues (by 3-12 times), restoring fluid balance, aiding in the exchange of nutrients and waste removal from the Fascia, and stimulating self-healing as increased flow rebuilds the body from within
  • Relaxation/Mobility: Helps the Fascia to relax (mechanical stress/manipulation) and assists strained areas that are stuck together or dry to shake loose and improve the gliding function
  • Pain Relief: Pain receptors are located in the Fascia and are stimulated by the machine’s vibrations, effectively relieving pain without causing discomfort due to the machine’s frequency changes
For more information about the machine’s effectiveness, read further here
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    “Great treatment for increasing mobility and relaxation.”

    – Dr. Vibeke Elbrønd, Veterinarian UCPH

Treatment methodology based on science and proven experience

With a strong foundation in the world of anatomical research, including our own research database and an international network of researchers, we ensure that our treatment methodology is built on a solid scientific basis.

The proven treatment processes are based on over 10 years of collective experience from manual therapists of various professions and the latest research in Fascia.

Research – New treatment for Frozen Shoulder

In 2019, a research study was published showing that this type of treatment could be a promising solution for patients with Frozen Shoulder – another condition associated with Fascia, pain and chronic inflammation.

87% experienced increased mobility of 30 degrees or more, 52% experienced 60 degrees or more, and 30% achieved full mobility.

Using thermography, inflammation could be observed before and after treatment – a method that can be used for easier and more cost-effective diagnosis of inflammation compared to d-depronyl.

In 2022, a report was made about the study with Dr. Håkan Borg

For more information about the study, read further here
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    “The old premises for research in our anatomical field no longer apply”

    –Dr Heike Jäger, Neurophysiologist

Knowledge about the body in a simple way

What does it mean for you as a person when you learn more about how the body functions, and how do you use knowledge about your own body in your daily life?

Fascia Guide is there to provide people with knowledge about the body in a simple way, and it also serves as the common thread connecting all the businesses within the Fascia Group.

It is the world’s largest research database on Fascia, and it covers topics through articles, videos, and podcasts, including scientific research, proven experience, philosophy, new insights, practical applications of new research, and the small things that make a difference to your well-being.

Episode 104 of Fascia Guide specifically discusses why it is important to gain knowledge about your body in a simple way.

The website, podcast, guide, and videos are available for access.

Currently, there is a global revolution happening in anatomical research that fundamentally changes our perspective on the human body.

It’s all about Fascia, a network of connective tissue that surrounds everything in the body, from muscles and bones to organs and cells.

Fascia Guide aims to provide knowledge about the body in a simple way.

It is a podcast that covers science and proven experience, philosophy and new insights, practical application of new research, and the small things that make a difference to your well-being.

Read more at Fasciaguide.com